

We develop free-enterprise leaders who drive global economic and social progress.


We inspire human potential through immersive learning to advance economic freedom, 对每个人来说, 到处都是.


竞技宝app下载肯定每个人心中对自由的自然向往. 竞技宝app下载的学术团体欢迎个人, 他们独特的才能, 以及他们的潜力,使他们的生活有所不同. 竞技宝app下载相信:

  • 一个具有创业精神的自由社会的优势

  • 个人自由和个人责任

  • 从道德和诚信的基础上领导

  • 拥抱企业的全球化和多元文化本质

  • Celebrating individual uniqueness and diversity of perspectives in an inclusive community


学生群体, faculty and staff of 竞技宝app下载大学 affirms this code of ethics as the behaviors that advance our mission, 理想及价值观.


Exercise personal freedom and accountability that uplifts and respects individual freedom for all.


Treat all others with consideration for their circumstances and with thoughtful regard for their value as human beings.




寻求创造幸福所必需的精神发展, 灵感, 崇敬, 意义, 和目的.


拥抱真实, 公平, 和正直, and demand the absence of fraud or deceit in ourselves and others with whom we act.


展示持久性, 的决心, and effort in order to achieve our goals and applaud the high achievement of others.


以反映竞技宝app下载价值观的行为准则为指导, 不受环境影响, 个人利益, 公众的压力, 或者私人诱惑.


Be accountable for the care and welfare of others and responsible for the intended and unintended consequences of our actions.



A university education encompasses learning through courses and co-curricular experiences which allow our graduates to achieve 普通学位成果. Our learning community promotes the achievement of six outcomes which become competencies our graduates share.

  • 表达和应用自由和自由企业的原则和价值观.

  • 能进行有效的口头和书面沟通.

  • Demonstrate critical thinking, analytical skills, and problem-solving proficiency.

  • 展示业务职能领域的基础知识.

  • 展示适用于全球商业环境的敏锐性.

  • 展示有效的领导能力、团队合作能力和人际交往能力.


竞技宝app下载竞技宝app下载强调定性的个人发展. Through purposeful programming and course offerings we develop individuals who: can explain their personal values; appreciate the aesthetic, creative and spiritual elements of life; seek lifelong education; are effective self-evaluators and action-oriented. These attributes encompass our holistic approach to developing the future leaders of a global free-enterprise society.


3月23日, 1959, 两个有想法的年轻人, 一个目标, 以及一种实用主义哲学来涵盖这一切, broke away from their careers in a traditional college structure to create a new concept in education.

他们的梦想变成了现实. 亚瑟E. 特纳博士. R. 加里·斯托弗在竞技宝app下载学院招收了100名学生. 他们使用了阿尔玛一座19世纪的豪宅, 密歇根, 作为学校建筑, a small amount of borrowed money for operating expenses and a large amount of 的决心.

竞技宝app下载是随着世界的变化而诞生的. 俄国人发射了斯普特尼克,美国也紧随其后. 斯托弗和特纳观看了太空竞赛. They envisioned a new type of university – one where the teaching of management led the way. 而太空的边界正在揭示它们的奥秘, 斯托弗和特纳理解所有的努力——技术上的, 制造业, 市场营销, 零售, 每种类型的业务都需要最先进的技术, ethics-driven管理.

Time has validated the success of what these two young educators called "竞技宝app下载的想法" – incorporating the lessons of the American free-enterprise society into the college classroom.

Dr. 大卫E. 弗莱于1982年掌舵. 基思一. Pretty在2006年和Dr. 肯特·麦克唐纳2019年, 每个人都继承了与斯托弗和特纳相同的理想, 从不动摇核心价值观. 大学不断成长和成熟. Academic curricula expanded; Northwood went from being an Institute to an accredited University, the 德沃斯研究生院 of Management was created and then expanded; the Adult Degree Program and its program centers expanded to over 20 locations in eight states; international program centers were formed in Malaysia, 中华人民共和国, 斯里兰卡, and 瑞士; and significant construction like the campus 竞技宝app下载安装 Centers added value to the Northwood students' experience. 新的努力,如售后市场研究, 娱乐和体育管理及时尚销售, 以及在蒙特勒的校园合作, 瑞士, 为竞技宝app下载所有的学生展示丰富的经验.

With a clearly articulated mission to develop free-enterprise leaders who drive global economic and social progress, 竞技宝app下载大学 is expanding its presence in national and international venues. Professors are engaged in economic and policy dialogue; students are emerging as champions in regional and national academic competitions. 在所有的校园和所有的部门, 竞技宝app下载大学 is energized and is actively pursuing dynamic programming and increased influence.

竞技宝app下载大学 educates managers and entrepreneurs – highly skilled and ethical leaders. With more than 57,000 alumni and a vibrant future ahead, 竞技宝app下载的想法 is alive and well.


Bringing the lessons of the American free-enterprise society into the college classroom.

竞技宝app下载认为竞技宝app下载大学的教育是对你未来的投资. Any person who devotes time to a Northwood education gives up the opportunity to devote that time to all the other pursuits he or she might engage in during that time.




  • Competitive, productive effort can overcome obstacles, solve problems and achieve goals.

  • 人类可以改变他们所生活的世界.

  • Political and economic freedom are of paramount importance in releasing creativity and productivity.

  • 牺牲——储蓄——是进步的必要前提.

  • Equality of opportunity based on contribution and inequality of reward using the same criteria are not only appropriate but the necessary conditions, 在一个没有被强制与某个总体规划相一致的系统中.

  • It is the differences among us that make us interesting and useful to each other.

  • 竞技宝app下载需要失败的自由.

  • 竞技宝app下载必须自由地承担竞技宝app下载行为的积极和消极后果.

  • 在竞争体系中,所有参与者都从中受益.

  • 作为一个社会, we cannot gain from the establishment of legal monopolies except in a very few and constrained circumstances.

  • An understanding and appreciation of the arts and humanities is a primary source of human enrichment in the lives of productive human beings.

  • 教育从来都不是一个人可以对另一个人做的事. 更确切地说,这是两个人一起做的事情.


The elimination of artificial barriers to equal opportunity for all human beings. 种族、宗教和性别障碍令竞技宝app下载深恶痛绝.


对强大政府的健康怀疑, because we think history has clearly demonstrated that such structures move rapidly from being of the people toward being over the people, 自由在平衡中失去了. Our intolerance of monolithic power is consistent across the business, labor and government spectrum.